DoorDash (Spec Landing Page)
DoorDash (Spec)
Brief: Design a landing page for DoorDash. The audience is small, independently owned restaurants who do not have a delivery service. They may be unaware or skeptical about DoorDash’s service and how it can benefit them.
CTA: Become a partner restaurant.
Benefit to consumer: They will realize up to a 60% increase in profit through new customers, as well as returning customers who enjoy the convenience of ordering takeout via the DoorDash app
Secondary CTA: Talk to an expert. We realize some visitors are still at the top of the funnel and have additional questions.
Tone: Casual-Friday professional, simple, reassuring
Business Objectives: Increase the number of small, independently run restaurants offered on DoorDash.
Headline: Small restaurant owners have a special relationship with their clientele, and this headline tells a story that emphasizes a pain point—your customers want something you don’t provide—then infers how easily we can solve it. You Do. It’s done. Easy as that. In two words we’re showing them there’s no master plan or variables needing to be solved. DoorDash is going to make this easy.
Benefit: We’re leading in this line with the 60% profit increase, which is an eye-popping stat. Then we’re attaching it to the idea that everybody wins. You get more profit. Your customers get the best food where they’ve wanted it most, at their own table.
Both of these sections don’t hesitate to stroke the ego. You’re making great food and you should be proud of the fact that people love it!
CTA: The link is the most prominent piece of the page, without breaking theme. The copy’s content and physical shape are designed to create a funnel to one simple click.
Secondary CTA: This section continually emphasizes how much DoorDash is going to do in this process to get delivery going. Easier. We Cook. Here to answer. We will get your restaurant discovered. Fast. Easy.
Knock. Down. Objections.